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Why do people Presume?

Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?
Esther 7:5

This verse is an example of the result of a person that presumes. In the end, the truth is revealed and the person who was practicing this behavior gets called out, embarrassed, and eventually exposed.


Typical example: Two friends John and Bill

John and Bill both work at a Disposal company. John picks up Bill to go to work every day. They both work on the same shift while John does not drive. However, Bill is kind and understanding, does not mind at all picking John up for work. One day, John finds out he has to start work an hour early starting next week. John is not able to go at that time due to family obligations. The schedule change of Bill bothers John. He thinks otherwise.





Many of us can relate to John. Inside our minds would tend to think the worst instead of accepting the words we received. The message is clear. Words spoken by the sender do not need interpretation. Words mean exactly what they say. There is no second guess.


On the outside, our expression will be obvious to the people involved. Bill, for example, will notice the demeanor of John. Bill knows that to find out if John is okay is by asking him.

A presumptuous person will not be able to hide what is bothering them because it absorbs the mind so much that it affects the external nature.


Presuming is the brother of assuming. The assumption is thinking about something seen or said on the spot like as is and when you come across it again, you remember your assessment.
The presumption is meditating on something seen or said and continue to dwell on it even when you are not around it or the sender of the message. This is more unhealthy than assuming. They both are not good for the mind and body. Still, we must not dwell on anything that will be harmful to our health.

The only way to defeat the presume mode is to ask the person direct questions about whatever is hindering you. Whether you get the answers or not, at least you do not have to think about it in many different ways and wasting all that energy. Instead, you will be able to concentrate on other important things that do not call for you to presume.


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