Preparest a table

In Psalms, chapter twenty-three, verse five, God is pictured as caring for the needs of His people amid the forces of evil that attempt to destroy the godly life and soul. Confronted daily by Satan and surrounded by an ungodly society, God furnishes His people with sufficient grace to live and rejoice in God’s presence. All God’s children may eat at the Lord’s table in faith, thanksgiving, and hope, at peace and protected by shed blood and broken body of the Good Shepherd. “Anointest my head with oil” refers to God’s special favor and lavish blessing through the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon the body, the mind, and the spirit.

The theme is the fourth part of one of the most popular memorable chapters in the Bible under “The Shepherd Psalm” section, “Thou preparest a table.” A table, for instance, is physically a flat surface supported by legs to serve meals and hold other items. Spiritually, believers are held up by God during their life journey and have a relationship with Him. The table’s surface is where God presents the needs of His people during situations that arise. Around the table occurs the activity of conversation and things to view while being served.

The Good Shepherd is Jesus Christ, as in John ten, verse eleven, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” God prepares the table to equip us with spiritual food that His people need daily, which is His Word and not only the physical. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd for His sheep, is the servant that serves the believers according to the will of God. A table holds other things, such as materials, equipment, and other resources. What we do at the table is vital since it’s the only place families spend more time together than any other place.

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