In Psalms hundred and sixteen, verse fifteen, the Lord carefully watches over the lives of His faithful people. He exercises control over the circumstances of their deaths as in Romans eight, verses twenty-eight and verses thirty-eight to thirty-nine. When they are dying, God is there with them. Their deaths, which are of great value to Him, are when they receive deliverance from all evil, are taken from this life to be blessed victory, and are brought into heaven to see Jesus face to face.
True believers in Christ need not fear death. They know that God has a purpose for their living. And that death, when it comes, is simply the end of their earthly mission and the beginning of their life with Christ, as in Philippians one, verses twenty through twenty-five.
The theme verse, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” God is there for every human being from the beginning until the end. However, many people do not pay attention to Him or even mention His name unless they use it in vain or experience life-threatening situations. Nevertheless, all humanity will someday face this situation, which God only knows when. Therefore, all must make the best of each day as we live and breathe.
Two occasions happened with a lady in her early nineties and a man in his early fifties. The lady was in the hospital, and the grandson was on the road with his daughter going somewhere. Suddenly, something within tugged him to see his grandma, and he disregarded it. Then, it happened again, and he reacted the same. However, the third time, he changed plans, dropped his daughter off at a relative, and went to see his grandmother at the hospital.
When he got there, he spoke with her briefly, sang one of her favorite songs, and read her favorite Bible verse, then suddenly, she put her hands in the air on the bed and peacefully passed.
The other one was the man who was sick at the hospital, having some stomach issues that caused him to lose a lot of weight. The doctor and nurse advised him they could fix his health by putting him to sleep and operating in the area to prolong his life. However, his response surprisingly was, “It’s okay, doctor, I’m good.”
The situations for both people involved are unique, with a sense of God’s presence. “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s, as in Romans fourteen, verse eight.