Praying in secret

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Why is it so valuable for us to pray in secret to the Father? There are several reasons. However, the two substantial ones are to honor and love Him. Matthew, in the Old Testament, verse six of chapter six, begins: “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to the Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” A good understanding of this verse is an example of a Husband and wife living in their home. The public sees them going inside their place but does not know the level of their relationship. However, from a general perspective, both spouses are happy.
The Father in heaven is a spirit. He desires for us to connect with Him from our inner being. How can we build our relationship with God in Heaven from our physical nature that is enmity against God? Our flesh came from the earth below and not from above. The relationship with God will not blossom through the carnal nature but only by our internal, which is the spirit.
Unfortunately, some Christians do not understand the importance of praying in secret. Some want to be in the public eye praying. There is nothing wrong with that, only if that is all the church leaders want to do by waiting to be around people before calling upon God. Similar to those people that will pray loud because they want others to hear them so they can explode. Church people like these are under the guise of giving glory to God, are seeking fame for themselves.
Praying in secret is not about competing for bigness, advertising for one’s success, performing and entertaining in the church, or wanting to be first. Our relationship is about being with our Father, to express ourselves to Him in spirit and truth. Similar to spouses when they meet at home again after being apart from each other for some time. That private time we spend shows God that we miss Him throughout the time away from home. The care, love, and understanding will be upon us from God when He sees our hearts like that toward Him.
Every child of God should have someplace to be alone with God. Unless such a place exists, secret prayer will not be consistently ongoing. Praying in secret to God is essential in the morning as we commit our day to Him. The evening is to give thanks for His mercies. There are times when the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray. Our Father promises to reward us openly with answered prayer, with His intimate presence, and with true honor for eternity. Similar to when the husband is at home with his wife. He may receive his favorite meal, a quiet time of love and affection, and have a good conversation.
Praying in secret to the Father will reap benefits. Publicly but not privately. No opportunity for flesh activity, only God confidentially.

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