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For faith to be active
How do we have faith in God? Faith in God is likely for the miraculous that requires the response of “faith in God” from us. What is this “faith in God?” There are two kinds of faith: common faith and supernatural faith. The most common the world is associated with is the everyday hope for something to be done, to receive something, and to achieve short-term or long-term goals. The supernatural faith is a God-given faith that enables a person to face a mountain of impossibility and see it moved by God’s power. Revelation is needed to know God’s will in connection to our mountains of impossibility. Some of our mountains are to climb, and the others are to throw into the sea. During testings and trials, a revelation aids to activate God’s faith in us for a miracle to occur. The difference between the natural and supernatural is the faith in our will while the other is related to God’s will.
Supernatural faith is a faith that receives something not humanly produced; instead, it is a believing faith imparted to the believer’s heart by God Himself. He implants it in the heart of a sincere seeker who lives faithfully according to His will.
To have “faith in God” is to trust God in all circumstances, which enables the believer to persevere and remain steadfastly loyal to God and His Word at all times. A faith that includes believing in spiritual realities that leads to righteousness. Faith that seeks God, beliefs in His goodness, has confidence in His Word. Faith obeys God’s commands, regulates life on His promises, rejects the spirit of this present evil age, seeks a heavenly home, perseveres in testing, blesses the next generation, refuses the pleasures of sin, endures persecution, performs mighty acts of righteousness. Faith that suffers for God and does not follow the ways of the world. These conditions will aid in our faith if we endure to obey them.
The examples of faith in the bible begin with Abel in the third verse from the book of Hebrews, which he gave to God by faith in righteousness. Enoch walked with God by faith in great closeness to Him. Noah, willing to believe God about the upcoming future events, risks his reputation on the flood coming to pass. Abraham faithfully obeys God to leave his place and go on a journey. These people followed God by faith with activity. They all had to follow the conditions mentioned earlier to receive the blessing as indicated by God.
How do we have faith in God? To have faith is not by our terms but by His. We are not able to live by faith according to the ways of the world, the flesh. The only way to receive positive results is by the inner person connected to God to perform the supernatural. The commandments and the godly conditions are the keys to receive whatever it is we need. Our will must be God’s will to fulfill.