Pitching in a Jam

At the beginning of Genesis, chapter thirteen, Abram and Lot decide to depart from each other. Both cattle and herdmen were experiencing difficulty being together on the same land. Abram left the choice up to Lot as to which direction he desires, while the other set will go in the opposite direction.
Lot gets the first opportunity to pick the area for His family, herdmen, and cattle that he would like to go and live in to raise them in that environment. Abram points out to Lot a question amidst the congested situation: “Is not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself. After hearing that, Lot lifted His eyes. The view of which direction to go was considered from the visual perspective and not a spiritual one. Lot saw the plain of Jordan as well-watered everywhere and did not examine that it is within the area of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Lots’ big failure was that he loved personal gain more than he hated the wickedness of Sodom. If he had loved righteousness and hated evil sufficiently, it would have caused him to remain separate from the wicked ways of sinful people. Instead, he tolerated evil and chose to live in wicked Sodom. Perhaps he reasoned that the beauty of Sodom and its ideal climate, affluence, and cultural advantages outweighed the dangers and that he was strong enough spiritually to remain faithful to God. However, he exposed himself and his family to the ungodly and immoral lifestyle of Sodom, only to learn the bitter lesson that his family was not strong enough to resist its evil influences.
There are many parents in situations similar to Lot. Some parents have limited options to live due to finances: while some families have options but fall into the visual mode of attraction, which factors in on their decision instead of spiritual discernment. Many parents do not realize the impact it will have on their family and future endeavors. The toleration of coping with corruption in the environment of putting the family at risk of character influence and other ungodly practices. Sacrificing family life for pleasure is dangerous because it might be more problematic to get out of it as opposed to going into it.

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