Obey my voice

In Exodus chapter nineteen, verse five, Israel’s continued election as the people of God was conditioned on their obedience to Him as their Lord: this is indicated in the “If……then” construction of this verse. And God expects this obedience which is essential to fulfilling His future purposes for them, to come from hearts of gratitude responding to His love and care demonstrated especially in their redemption from Egypt.
Similarly, the principle of love-motivated obedience is essential in our relationship with Christ under the new covenant. The challenge for all believers that love God is not only hearing what is said but doing it. Obeying the Word of God is the difference for many potential followers with good intentions. However, developing a close relationship with God will take discipline from us to proceed with obedience. The decision is ours: either we are all in or all out.
Today, many relationships suffer or go by the wayside because of a lack of obedience. A relationship between people is an easy thing to start. We get to know each other as we grow together and enjoy the time. However, there will come a time when a situation arises where one will have to listen to the other about something and decide to obey it or not. Regularly, this is where the relationship will either get better or worse and discontinue.
To submit to someone entirely will include obedience. That is where love comes in because if the person loves their spouse so much, they will do what is right, particularly if it will enhance the relationship and not hurt it. Important to note that it is not about doing something wrong or breaking the law but obedience to something good, right, and pure. For example, if chores or errands need to do, making good gestures with treating a spouse, friend, or loved one to a dinner outing due to a special occasion, things of that nature.

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