Not let them go away empty

In Deuteronomy, chapter fifteen, verse thirteen, the Israelites were not allowed to send their servants away without adequate provision. Love for others demanded that sufficient food and supplies be given to them to get by until they began to earn a living. Similarly, the principle of love and justice, under the new covenant, requires employers to treat their employees with compassion, fairness, and justice.
The Israelite’s responsibility was to ensure that their servants fulfilled their duties by providing the necessities for them to continue. Otherwise, how could they meet the needs of their employers? Similar to the situation with the Israelites and Pharoah in Exodus. In chapter one, verses thirteen and fourteen detail how their tasks were under the labor of the Egyptians in Egypt. However, the Israelites did receive food, shelter, and other supplies because they remember it during the wilderness journey to the promised land with Moses.
Today, there are people, who need homeless help, folks that experience misfortune, and individuals who experience tragedy and need a helping hand until they get back on their feet. Sometimes, situations like that may take just a little assistance from someone that can help to get them back on their feet. The love of God in the hearts of believers and even those genuine in having the passion that gives to others will enable the unfortunate to be eventually independent.
The other example is the employer’s treatment of their employees. The requirement is to provide the necessary means for the workers to enable them to work sufficiently will work well in favor of the employer. However, the flip side is also the employee works efficiently to receive the wages they should earn. Still, in most cases today, employees find out it is not that way. Overall in all situations, only God’s grace and love will help overcome the obstacles that servants and employees will eventually receive what is due to them.

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