Not be false

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse sixteen, the ninth commandment protects the name and reputation of other persons. No one may make false statements about anyone’s character or actions. We must speak about all people in a fair and just manner. This commandment also encompasses lying in general. It is so easy to be false than tell the truth. Physically, part of us will effortlessly want to do it but consciously, inside, we desire to resist it.
The difference with the ninth commandment, which is fourth in the last five, is similar to stealing, where it could change the course of life. However, to bear false witness to life will cause it to make a sudden turn: either for the best or the worst is unknown. Like an unexpected birthday party, surprise! The false statements by another against an innocent person do damage that can potentially alter the person’s life forever. James three eight in the New Testament explains the tongue no one came tame, an unruly evil, and full of deadly poison.
Why do people lie? To make the situation better for them. Instead, they eventually make it worse. An example is in the book of Exodus, chapter thirty-seven: Joseph and his brothers. The problem demonstrates how a group of false witnesses could impact a victim so much who faces one terrible situation after another.
Here is an example of bearing false witness: the worst case. Joseph’s brothers tell their father a few words and present evidence to convince him, which is far worse than saying it. The fatal news made the father feel so bad and sorrowful inside that he did not want to live anymore. Joseph’s brothers gave him over to the Midianites. However, the Ishmeelites are the people that sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt, an officer of Pharoah, captain of the guard, stated in Genesis thirty-nine verse one. The exchange from the Midianites to the Ishmeelites before Joseph ends up in Egypt is unknown.
Here is an example of bearing false witness: Fast forward to Genesis thirty-nine, Joseph has been promoted and well-favored by the King of Egypt. However, he has to deal with the master’s wife, who constantly gestures to him daily to sleep with her. Joseph confronts the king’s wife and escapes a physical attempt made by her. Since the situation turns out unsuccessful for the master’s wife, what does she do? Lie. She tells the King of Egypt, and he puts Joseph in prison. Even though this happened, God was with him.
The ninth commandment could be full of twists and turns when facing the wrong end of someone bearing false witness against an innocent person. Today, we hear about many cases globally of innocent people imprisoned for false witness.

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