No other gods

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse three is the first commandment stated by God that there should be no other deities before Him. This command prohibits the polytheism that characterizes all the religions of the ancient Near East. Israel was not to worship or call upon any of the gods of other nations but commanded them to fear the Lord and serve only Him. Similar or more than a marriage relationship. The wife must submit herself to the husband and vice versa.
When applied to New Testament believers, this commandment means at least three things: Believers’ worship must be directed to God alone. There may be no worshipping, praying to, or seeking guidance and help from any “other gods,” spirits, or the dead. The first commandment is directly against the worship of spirits such as demons through spiritism, divination, or other forms of idolatry. In a marriage relationship, each spouse’s requirements are faithfulness, dedication, and commitment to each other. However, if one or both spouses admire someone outside of that relationship or idolize something of pleasure, it could jeopardize and eventually ruin both people. Spending time and dependence on something that satisfies our needs where it becomes our priority over everything is another form of serving other gods.
Believers must consecrate themselves to God, who, through His revealed will and inspired Word, will faithfully guide their lives. Believers must have for their purpose in life to seek and love God with their whole heart, soul, and might, relying on Him to provide that which is well for their lives. God will keep those believers in perfect peace whose mind is upon Him. Consistently doing this will prevent the opportunity for our minds to wander and fall into any trap of carnality. However, it does not mean trials and testing would not come our way, but the position will be more tolerable than having an unstable mentality.

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