Neither did he acknowledge his brethren

After Israel had sinned with the golden calf, in Deuteronomy, chapter thirty-three, verse nine, the Levites stood with God even against their nearest relatives. They held fast to the covenant and chastened those who participated in the worship of the golden calf. God rewarded them for their zeal for His cause by appointing them as guardians of the law and those who would offer sacrifices. Our love for and dedication to God and His Word must always be first in our lives and take priority over friends, family, or church.
The Levites did not have any respect for those people who chose not to stand with God. However, they followed God and his command and executed the judgment enjoined without admiration for persons. The whole tribe of Levi, who, fired with a holy zeal for God and his worship, performed impartial execution on the worshippers of the golden calf, not excepting even their nearest relations that were concerned in that wickedness. 
Some also include their impartiality in the administration of justice. They had not accepted, nor should accept persons of any, not even their relations. To which the office of the priests and Levites engaged their constant attendance, at least by turns, at God’s altar, laid them under a necessity of being frequently absent from their families, which they could neither take such care of nor make such provision for, as other Israelites might. 
This constant self-denial they submitted to that they might observe God’s word and keep the covenant of the priesthood. And all those, even under the gospel, who are to minister in holy things, should remember that they must sit loose to the relations and interests which are dearest to them in this world and prefer the fulfillment of their ministry before the gratifying best friend they have.

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