Negative Words

woman, angry, emotion

The effect of negativity

But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

Matthew 15:18

Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:

Romans 3:14

There is an old saying, “Sticks and stones Will break my bones, But names will never hurt me.” Is it true? Wrong!

The truth is a person might be hurt or injured for a while, but they will still live and hopefully be positive and able to pursue the things that will help them in life. There is an old saying, “Sticks and stones Will break my bones, But names will never hurt me.” Is it true? Wrong!

On the other hand, names do hurt, negative words directed at us or words we speak against ourselves can damage our potential.


Inner (receiving)

If we dwell on whatever we speak or hear, the negative words could stain us for a long time. It could ruin our happiness, our success, our lives. For us to have negative is if we say words against ourselves from our mouth or receive feedback that goes into our ears and allows it to sink into our hearts.

Outer (sending)

We know thinking about the negative is dangerous because our minds tease us to say it. Today in society, anything we say presently could jeopardize our reputation, our well-being, our freedom. If we say anything to try to hurt others due to not having a good day, a bad relationship, or suffer loss, we must think before we speak.


The common problem is when something goes wrong or dramatic happens we tend to think the worst is yet to come. Only to find out that our thoughts were not the result that came. The truth is when we have this pattern of thinking, it could be the environment of people that we develop this mentality. Maybe it came from a family member, co-worker, spouse, neighbor, or you. Wherever it came from, you must correct it. How? It will be an undo-it-yourself-project. If you know where it came from, try not to spend too much time with them. Negative words affect the ears that will contaminate your body, mind, heart.
If you say or hear anything negative, dismiss it. Say, “I reject that word. I will not accept it. I send it back and out of my system.” If you can’t say it loudly (which is best), then softly to yourself because your ears must hear the word for it to go back into your being. After all, no one whispers a negative word to anybody. They are always loud and clear for you and the world to hear. Declare it so you don’t have to wear it. These negative words are dangerous and could wear on a person over time.
The best way to erase negative words from yourself is to speak a positive one. Repeat it as much as possible to drown out that negative one. Words are life. Think about it. If you examine yourself for a minute about where you are today, think back on the words you say or those who say things towards you, and you will find your answer. Remember this. God made the world and everything else as the Bible says by words. Where we are today and what we are doing is by words. Do not accept negative words. Reject them by applying positive words.

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