My God

In Psalms, chapter twenty-two, verses one through thirty-one, this psalm is one of the most quoted in the New Testament called “the Psalm of the cross” because it so precisely portrays Christ’s anguished suffering on the cross. The two facts about this psalm: First, it is the cry of anguish and grief from a godly sufferer who has not yet received deliverance from trials and suffering. In this sense, all suffering believers can identify with the words of this prayer. Secondly, the words of this psalm express an experience far beyond that of any ordinary human experience. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the psalmist predicts the suffering of Jesus Christ in His crucifixion and points to the subsequent dismissal three days later.

“My God” is the opening response from the believer to someone they are in union with, such as the wife to their spouse, “my husband.” “Oh my God” is a typical response from many people who carelessly use the name of God in vain for unfortunate negative occurrences. My God theme is the chapter entitled A Cry of Anguish, which describes how the Son of God felt when on the cross to save humanity and connect God’s creation back to the Almighty One through salvation.

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