My daughter’s virginity

Deuteronomy, chapter twenty-two, verse seventeen, touches on the laws about sexual conduct. An Israelite girl needed to remain pure and chaste and a virgin at marriage. To sustain such purity would be the responsibility for this fall upon the parents. Likewise, Christian parents have the same accountability to make every effort to protect their daughters and their sons against premarital sexual activities. They must teach them God’s principle of purity and guide them into god-fearing and chaste convictions concerning sexual matters.
These laws and regulations in verses thirteen through thirty in Deuteronomy might be needful, yet we don’t need to examine respecting them. The standard principle of behavior relates to the seventh commandment, laying a restraint upon fleshly lusts that war against the soul. The regulations might be helpful in the situation of the Israelites. They were so perverse and so given to irregular passions that God gave them laws about sexual conduct to follow.
Society nowadays is far more advanced with technology and social media. The widespread of various online platforms makes it more tempting for a child to be on one of these digital outlets. Children do not have to be physically away from home to get caught up in sexual immorality. However, it just adds more to the load for parents that already take care of the primary needs of their kids. Keeping track of and monitoring their visual content will take equal effort along with the priorities of the home to help them from being contaminated with sexual activity.
The importance of our children maintaining purity will help their future because it will stabilize their lives in the way God intended for them to learn. Not the way the devil would attempt to force such things on a child at an early age and ruin the path that God had a plan for them: a proper upbringing.

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