Moses said

In Exodus chapter thirty-three, verse twelve, Moses responds to the Lord in the tabernacle. God, who spoke to His servant from a cloudy pillar, descended at the door of the tabernacle. They converse face to face as a man speaks to a friend. Moses begins to say some things to the Lord concerning him and the Israelites. Why would Moses or someone address God?
Moses said to the Lord, “See, thou sayest unto me, bring up these people: and thou hast not let know whom thou wilt send with me.” The servant of God did not hold back about the situation with Him and the Israelites. However, this is not to condone questioning God is okay because it is not. Moses’ relationship with God was close because he spent time in prayer and openly called upon God. He did not understand why God would not go with him and planned to send an angel.
Through Moses’ prayer, God relented, changed His resolve, and agreed to go with Moses and the people. Prayer does indeed has the potential to change things. However, God does have the final word on whether, through our prayer, He will act upon our behalf or not. God knows what is ahead for us and will do according to His will. He knows the very thoughts and motives that come from our hearts, and nobody can fool Him at any time.
Today, many believers and pretenders call upon God. He knows who is for Him and those who are against Him. God sees right through the heart of everyone and understands the potential before they even utter the words in their mouth. He knows what we are thinking, our plans, motives, and our ways. However, with all that, He can listen to our petition and consider it if it is according to His will, help save a life, or will bring glory and honor to Him.

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