
In Numbers, chapter twelve, verse three, speaks about Moses being the meekest man upon the face of the earth. This reference is not clear as to who is making the statement. However, some believe it is probably a parenthetical comment added by Joshua after Moses’ death. Moses’ submission lay in his humble trust in God and his Lordship so that he was free from selfishness and ungodly ambitions. When the servant of God was challenged and threatened, Moses depended on God and trusted Him for aid and defense.
Scripture assures us that God delights to come to the aid of the humble: Psalms twenty-two twenty-six, twenty-five verse nine, Psalms one hundred and forty-seven verse six, and one hundred and forty-nine verse four, respectively. In the New Testament, Matthew five verse five. Jesus was meek and lowly in heart, as declared in Matthew eleven, verse twenty-nine. The Son of God also trusted in the Father while being persecuted, as stated in First Peter two twenty-three. The verses above mention the requirements for any believer that believes they are meek should seek to read and understand them. 
Today, people know who is meek or not by how the person conducts themselves. No one can easily fool the public eye because they are watching all the time, especially unbelievers. Anyone who claims to be meek and lowly will know based on the one who created us: God. If we are meek, the humble verses mentioned earlier will become evident and experienced in our lives. People that claim to be humble and meek and yet do not have an occurrence of what those verses declare is they fail to realize that carnal motives and God do not blend. 
Moses’ life was about God and His people. Do we have that same mentality? Chances are we are not close at all. Some believers will partially experience some of these benefits, while a small percentage profit. In society today, with technology, and access to many earthly pleasures at our fingertips, you would have to be on security watch twenty-fours a day, seven days a week, to reach that plateau.

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