Ministry Leadership: Pastors

Pastors are those individuals calling, and ministry gifts cause them to devote themselves to shepherding, overseeing, and caring for the spiritual needs of a local congregation. In the New Testament, pastors are called “elders” and “bishops.”
The task of pastors is to help believers grow up into Christ the head by teaching God’s Word and exercising spiritual leadership in the local church, being an example of purity and sound doctrine, and seeing to it that all believers remain in God’s grace. Their task is described in Acts twenty verses twenty-eight to thirty-one as safeguarding the apostolic truth and God’s flock by watching out for false doctrine and false teachers within the church. Pastors function as shepherds, which Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a model.
The New Testament pattern shows a plurality of pastors directing the spiritual life of a local church. Pastor’s selection is not through politics but through the Spirit’s wisdom that gives the body to examine the candidate’s spiritual qualifications.
Pastors are essential to God’s purpose for the church. The church that fails to select godly and faithful pastors will cease to govern according to the mind of the Spirit. It will be the church left open to the destructive forces of Satan and the world. The preaching of the Word will eventually get distorted, and the standard of the gospel is no longer maintained. Members and families of the church will not be cared for according to God’s purpose. Many will turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
On the other hand, if godly pastors are appointed, believers will be nourished on the words of faith and sound doctrine and disciplined for godliness. The church will encourage perseverance in the teaching of Christ and the apostles and ensure salvation for itself and those who hear. 

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