Make no league with the inhabitants

In Judges, chapter two, verse two, Israel’s disobedience caused God’s refusal to help them drive out the enemy due to their failure to be a separated and holy people who detested the evil ways of the pagan people around them. Since the Israelites tolerated the lifestyle of the ungodly, it would be a problem to drive out something if a person allowed access. The refusal of God to drive out the enemy is because the Israelites invited them. The compromise is the Israelite’s downfall only made God despise what they did instead of obeying Him from the beginning.
The Israelites did receive direction from God to drive out the Canaanites and the other tribes. God did expect them to obey His Word and carry it out accordingly. However, the children of Israel began to follow in obedience but did not sustain it. Instead, they decided to unite with them. Why did the Israelites suddenly go soft on the opposition and allow disobedience to set in?
The children of Israel did not have to compromise with the community they entered: God had intentions of them leading the country. The Israelites allowed their flesh to get in the way God had in store for them. Did their eyes deceive them and cause them to draw back from continuing in obedience? Did the Israelites suddenly allow fear to set in and prohibit them from their pursuit of finishing what God started? Did something get the attention that made them compromise and unite instead of lead?
Today, many people say they believe in God and claim to serve Him, yet do not understand when they compromise with the world. They start right but do wrong instead of continuing on the path of righteousness. However, believers should not find themselves in this dilemma if God orders our steps in the way we should go. This situation happens all the time with different people every day. We, as God’s followers, have to follow Him.

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