Made golden calf

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse four, Aaron as a leader, seriously compromises God’s standard by making a molten calf to please the people he served. He gave into the godless pressure of the Israelites and violated the second commandment. Only Moses’ intercession saved him from God’s wrath and death.
Originally God did not intend to bring Aaron along with Moses to lead Israel out from the Egyptians. Due to the response by Aaron’s brother, God was not pleased and allowed Aaron to accompany Moses. God knew at some point that Aaron would falter. However, Moses did not know this situation would occur because he went up to the mountain to meet God.
Aaron compromises with the people. The people of Israel went to Moses’ brother and told him to make them gods. Instead of Aaron inquiring to God, he decides to follow their command by instructing and participating in making this forbidden image. Moses’ brother never even gave it a second thought and went ahead with the plan of creating this molten calf. When the figure was complete, the Israelites perpare to celebrate.
Aaron made the molten calf because he did not prepare Himself like Moses to go before God and inquire. Instead, he talks about what the Israelites desired, which contributed to this golden calf. Today, we have leaders similar to Aaron that operate more carnally than spiritually. Some of them do not inquire about God but cater to the congregation. The problem with that is the people take the place of God, which violates the second commandment about putting other gods before Him.
Aaron was not ready for that role, according to God. He speaks well but does not have a close relationship with God like Moses. Today’s leaders need that public relationship with God to make the right choices.

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