Love they neighbor

In Leviticus chapter nineteen, verse eighteen, “Neighbor” refers to anyone we come in contact with, not just someone who lives near us. The Lord speaks to Moses in chapter nineteen about personal conduct. The Israelite’s treatment of others where verses nine to eighteen, describe the practical ways for us to show love and care for our neighbors.
The first consideration is giving gestures to others when the opportunity presents itself. Not stealing from the neighbors or dealing falsely with them, which includes lying. Cheating neighbors out of something for personal gain is also wrong. A neighbor may involve the visually impaired, people unable to hear, and other physically challenged people. The point is there are neighbors of many different backgrounds, and believers should not show any disrespect to them.
How do we love our neighbors? We show our affection to them by not doing those things that will hurt them. The problem for many believers today when encountering neighbors is passing judgment on them. It is so easy to fall into this temptation. We look, evaluate the situation, and give confirmation without saying a word to the person.
Other examples of loving our neighbors are how we speak and respond to them. There should be no difference between the rich and poor, doing justice to both and showing no partiality to either. There should also not be any secret gossiping that would jeopardize their reputation or lead them to danger. Loving a neighbor is the opposite of hating. No hatred may be expressed either by words or deeds, yet being in the heart is a breach of the sixth command.
Loving thy neighbor is not something easy to do, but God emphasizes that we should. The outer part of us is different, yet the internal is the same. Every human contains blood and water in our being. We should love to be loved.

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