Lot’s wife looked back

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In Genesis chapter nineteen, verse twenty-six, Lot’s wife did not sincerely take the instruction of the two angels that came to the city to warn them about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. There could be several things that contributed to the situation of Lot and the tragic end of his wife. Her name is unclear in the Holy book but only mentions she is Lot’s wife. The chapter does not indicate that she said just being with or did anything other than she is with Lot. In chapter thirteen of Genesis, when Lot had to decide where he and his family would live, there was no mention of her.
Lot’s wife did not take the angel’s specific command seriously, and she was struck dead. Her heart was still clinging fondly to Sodom. This city was a beautiful place filled with corruption. In verse fifteen of the same chapter, Lot hesitates when the angel tells him in the morning to take his wife and daughters out now before the destruction begins. Could the hesitation of Lot create disinterest in his wife by not taking the warning from the angel seriously? The following verse mentions that he lingered, and the angels took them out. Did the lingering of Lot cast doubt on his wife from following the angels’ instruction sincerely?
The New Testament only mentions “remember Lot’s wife.” God wants us to keep in mind that those whose hearts are attached to the world’s present corrupt system will not be exempt from God’s wrath and the destruction that is coming upon the ungodly. If that is the existing situation, you will always be looking back and not be able to see what lies ahead. Any believer or Christian will not progress in their relationship with God but regress to the carnal ways of life the world values.

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