Lord Healeth Thee

In Exodus chapter fifteen, verse twenty-six, God said through a tree to Moses, for the people of Israel to listen to His voice, do what is right, remember the commandments, keep His statues, and He will not put no sickness among you. I am the Lord that healeth thee.

If the Israelites earnestly listened to and obeyed God, He would permit none of these diseases or plagues. He brought on the Egyptians to afflict them. This promise shows that God desires to heal His people rather than inflict illness and disease.

The statement between Moses and the Lord was about His people. God desires for His people not to perish but to have everlasting life. The difference is the if factor. If the Israelites seriously kept the commandments. God’s statues and live righteously, the Israelites would not be afflicted like the Egyptians. The difference here is the Egyptians served their gods, and the Lord inflicts them to show that there is only one God. However, the Israelites know the living God but were not living for Him. They were following the way of life from the Egyptian perspective.

The Lord demonstrates to the Israelites through His leaders Moses and Aaron the parting of the Red Sea for them to cross over to proceed on their way to the promised land. Before the miraculous experience of the Sea, the ten plagues where God not only delivers but protects them from harm during that time in Egypt. Despite all that deliverance, they are still not believers that God not only delivers but heals people as well. The Songwriter has a song about healing others: You are the God thatHealeth me. You are the Lord. My healer. You sent Your word. And You healed my disease. You are the Lord My healer. 

 The Lord healeth thee. 

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