Life of flesh is in the blood

In Leviticus chapter seventeen, verse eleven is about the life of the flesh in the blood that makes atonement for our souls. This passage gives reason for the shedding of the blood of a sacrificial animal and its meaning for atonement. The blood of the animal identifies with its life. Therefore, the blood atoned for human sin at the place of life. In other words, human beings did not have to give their lives because of animal’s life as payment.
The principle of substitutionary atonement by the blood of another helps us understand the importance of the blood of Christ in receiving salvation under the new covenant. As Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross, He substituted His life for the sinners. Because His life was without sin and perfect before God, His blood is of infinite worth and results in pure salvation for all who accept and follow Him in faith. Now we know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen as stated in Hebrews eleven, verse one: therefore, through faith, the blood of the Son of God gives eternal life to all who accept and walk now in faith and not by sight.
In the Old Testament, the verses above and below bring to the attention something important that all believers should understand. In both stanzas, the Lord instructs Moses about the Israelites not eating the animal’s blood. God further states to His servant that if the children disobey this command, He will separate Himself from them. The stern warning is self-explanatory. The blood represents life and also allows the connection between God and humans.
Therefore, if the animal’s blood in the Old Testament was used or eaten by a person, how can someone atonement for sin? How can the relationship between God and humans be sustained? God does not associate with sin or darkness at all. God is light, and He made all things, including life. However, because of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, life became contaminated.
To repair humanity to God took the purification of blood that knew no sin. Jesus Christ, through the shedding of His blood, creates the opportunity for God to interact with humans. Through salvation, a relationship with God is now made possible. God sees and hears sinners, similar to how we see and listen to others. However, in both cases, a relationship is unachievable because there is no connection. However, the remedy was the blood of Jesus Christ which changed that.
There is a song that describes this:
Jesus’ blood is the remedy,
Jesus’ blood is the remedy,
Jesus’ blood is the remedy,
sweet, sweet, remedy.
The blood, prevails,
the blood, of the risen lamb,
it has power, power to save,
just as, as the olden days.

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