Let me alone

In Job, chapter seven, verse sixteen, he spoke honestly to God about how he felt about the unfairness, rejection, and doubt. The servant of God wished God would leave him alone, as in verses sixteen through nineteen, though at other times, he yearned for God to speak with him, as in chapter fourteen, verse fifteen, and chapter twenty-three, verse three, and five. The faithful who undergo severe trials and suffering should express their feelings openly to God in prayer. Speaking from the heart of God about our anguish and bitterness in an attitude of submission is not wrong. Hannah poured out her soul before the Lord because of great concern and provocation, as in First Samuel one, verses thirteen through sixteen.
Jesus himself offered up “offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears,” as in Hebrews five, verse seven. However, He experienced the indescribable darkness of separation from God to His death for humanity, as in Matthew twenty-seven, verse forty-six.
Job spoke to God from His perspective as to the situation he was facing. No one expects something to occur as this servant of God was experiencing. However, believers striving to serve God in spirit and truth will undergo challenges in life, although it does not make sense to the public. Remember, no one can pick their trials or purposely create them. God oversees everything. Still, even if someone tries to create some problems for themselves to avoid trials, fail. God sees right through everyone and knows the intentions of the heart. Job desired to be left alone. Why? To receive something like what Job receives for living according to the Word of God would want to be left alone. No matter how we attempt to justify ourselves as believers, certain things in life are beyond human comprehension.

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