Know for a certainty

In Joshua, chapter twenty-three, verse thirteen, the promises of God were unconditional for the Israelites. Love for God expressed in obedience to His commandments, faith in His provision, and separation from the ungodly were the conditions for His blessings, fellowship, and strength. God provided the grace necessary for maintaining the covenant fellowship between God and His people.
Today, many believers hear about the blessings of God in sermons, read it in the Bible, and discuss it, yet very few have that experience. Why? Their love for God. Where is the passion? The problem for some believers is their relationship with God is a soul security blanket: they receive Jesus Christ into their life, and the development of that union does not increase.
On the other hand, few believers faithfully have a deep relationship with God. They obey His commands daily by keeping them in living faith. Similar to a marriage where the woman promises to keep her vows to her husband: she lives daily not to break the covenant resisting temptation because of her love for her spouse. To keep the faith by honoring the Word of God by bringing the tithes and offerings to His sanctuary, as stated in Malachi three ten. Very few follow the verse accordingly: some will give their portion and neglect the offering or vice versa.
Separation from the ungodly and the ways of the world are challenging. However, many believers will struggle with this today because there are many things of interest to entice us not to serve God faithfully. Again, like a marriage union, where newlyweds would have to adjust and give way to the marriage life as opposed to living single. The requirements to receive blessings may seem impossible, but if we have the mentality to follow these commandments to receive from God, the truth is such a person will not be able to fulfill it. However, if a believer faithfully honors God like how we do our spouses, it will not be hard as it may appear.

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