Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God (or heaven) carries the idea of God coming into the world to assert His power, glory, and rights against Satan’s dominion and the present course of this world.
The kingdom is an assertion of God’s power in action. He begins His spiritual rule on earth in the hearts of His people: coming into the world with infinite power. We must not conceive this power as material or political but as spiritual. The kingdom is not a religiopolitical theocracy; it is not a matter of social or political dominion over the kingdoms of this world. God does not intend at this time to redeem and reform the world through social or political activism. 
The world throughout the age will remain an enemy of God and His people. God’s rule by direct judgment and force will come at the end of the period of animate existence. Since God asserts Himself with power, His expression fills the devil’s empire with alarm, and everyone confronts the decision of whether to submit to God’s rule. The necessary and fundamental condition of entry into God’s kingdom is in the Gospel of Mark, chapter one, verse fifteen. “Repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
The reality of God’s power in the world involves a spiritual authority over Satan’s rule and dominion. The coming of the kingdom of God marks the beginning of the destruction of Satan’s rule and humanity’s deliverance from the demonic and sin. Power to work miracles and heal the sick; the preaching of the gospel, accompanied by conviction concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment; the salvation and sanctification of those who repent and believe the gospel and the baptism in the Holy Spirit for power to witness for Christ. 
Essential evidence that one is experiencing God’s kingdom is a life of ‘righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost stated in Romans chapter fourteen, verse seventeen.
The kingdom has a present and a future aspect. It is now a  reality in the world today, yet God’s rule and power are not fully known. The work and influence of Satan and evil people will continue until the end of the age. The future manifestation of God’s glory, power, and the kingdom will occur 
when Jesus returns to judge the world. The ultimate fulfillment of the kingdom comes when Christ finally triumphs over all evil and opposition and hands over to the kingdom of God the Father. 
What is the role of believers in the kingdom? The New Testament declares the responsibility of believers to persevere in diligently seeking God’s kingdom in all its manifestations, hungering and thirsting for God’s presence and power both in their own lives and within the Christian community.
In Matthew chapter eleven verse twelve, Jesus gives additional information on the nature of kingdom people. He indicates the kingdom of heaven is taken hold of only by forceful people who are committed to breaking away from the sinful practices of the human race and who turn to Christ, His Word, and righteous ways. No matter the cost, such people seek the kingdom in all its power. In other words, experiencing the kingdom of heaven with all its blessings requires earnest endeavor and diligent faith, spiritual warfare that includes the will to resist Satan, sin, and an often-corrupt society.
The kingdom of God is not for those who seldom pray or who compromise with the world, neglect the Word, and have little spiritual hunger. It is for men like Joseph, Nathan, Elijah, Daniel, and His three friends, Mordecai, Peter and John, Stephen, and Paul; It is for women like Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Mary, Anna, and Lydia.

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