In Judges, chapter fifteen, verse twenty, during the twenty years Samson was judge over Israel, the son of Manoah, never succeeded in delivering the people from the oppression of the Philistines. His record consisted only of sporadic exploits against the heathen nation. What might God have accomplished through Samson if he had been faithful to his calling and genuinely dedicated to God’s purpose for his life as a chosen deliverer of Israel?
The pursuit of the Philistines and the conflict with them had exhausted Samson to the point that he was very thirsty and feared that he might die from exhaustion. However, it was about the time of the wheat harvest in Judges fifteen, verse one, and therefore hot summer weather. During this time, Samson visits his wife, but his wife’s father does not allow him. Later, Samson finds out she is with one of his companions, and the father-in-law suggests he takes the younger sister.
Samson could have been in a different situation if he seriously depended upon God and had a close relationship with Him. Still, Samson was battling against the Philistines, but he never called upon God. Only later in the chapter, he prays near the end of his life when he helps to find the pillars to take down the Philistines who were in the stadium at the time to watch Samson be made a show off in front of them.
Today, many people have been brought up in the church for years and still do not know God for themselves. They may have heard of Him but do not know Him for themselves. Like Samson, people may be around the gospel but do not serve God properly. They will look to God for help when they face adversity or trouble. Otherwise, they have no relationship.