Joshua gathered all the tribes

In Joshua, chapter twenty-four, verse one, at the end of His life, Joshua called all the people together one final time to lead them in a ceremony of covenant renewal: in which they committed themselves to serve the Lord in faithfulness and loyal devotion. He did not focus on himself as their leader. However, he drew attention to God’s past goodness and care for Israel and repeatedly admonished them to remain loyal to the Lord. Genuine leaders of God’s people must share Joshua’s concern for God’s honor. They must urge the people to love the Lord, serve Him only, and remain separated from the world.
Today, believers like Joshua call their family, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, and associates, to commit themselves to serve the Lord. In God, we must honor Him in Spirit and truth according to the Word of God. Still, we have concerns for our siblings and significant others: those folks are looking at us. The situation is for believers to represent Christ by being a prime example to the ones we have our hearts on. The family and friends we desire to receive salvation are watching our life with Christ.
The question for the followers that have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: Do we live according to the Word of God for the people in our lives to encourage them to serve the Lord? Do we treat them with love and care as the Lord expects us? Sometimes with the agendas of life, believers can easily be overwhelmed with all the responsibilities and demands we have on our plate. The crucial encounters with the people we have around us are signs that we show the right side and do not let the wrong side come out. How we act and behave towards them could be the difference between them following or straying from us.

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