Jacob fabricates Isaac

In Genesis chapter twenty-seven, verse nineteen, Jacob begins his quest of inheriting something that rightfully belongs to his brother Esau. Jacob lied twice to obtain his father’s inheritance in his way. Lies tend to lead to more and deeper lies. Jacob has lied by claiming, to his blind, elderly father, Isaac, that he was the older son, Esau. Jacob disguises himself in his brother’s clothes and with his skin. Jacob insists that he is ready to receive the blessing intended for his brother. Isaac already seems suspicious. Unexpectedly, “Esau” has returned too quickly. Not enough time had passed to hunt the game, make the kill, prepare the meat, and return, as Isaac had instructed.
If Jacob had trusted God and committed his way to the Lord, he would have gained the gift in God’s own time. Jacob got his brother’s inheritance, yet it cost him dearly. He had to flee for his life and give up his possessions and the comforts of home. Jacob reaps deceitful treatment himself and lives many years in exile. All Jacob’s life, he had one misfortune after another until he finally states, “Few and evil have the days of the years my life has been.”
Jacob openly admits to Pharoah that his life experience as he got older has been challenging. He did not expect cheating out on his brother Esau, that living would be laborious. Jacob eventually received the same trickery for the beautiful Rachel, Laban’s younger daughter. He openly confronts Rachel’s father about marrying her and receives his blessing. However, Jacob has to labor for several years before the wedding. Fulfilling the agreement, Jacob has the wedding, only to find out that he marries the older daughter Leah. Jacob inquires about Laban and receives the family’s traditional explanation. Jacob then has to labor several more years before he marries Rachel.
Jacob’s actions and experiences should be pondered by all who misrepresent facts and deceive others. Today, people use various schemes to get ahead of others deceitfully. Believers should not practice this approach because God is watching our actions. He is aware of our thoughts and knows what is in our hearts before attempting such activity.

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