Is God great in You?

believe, back, man

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.                                                              1 John 4:4

Is God great in You? This is the question for all believers in society today. The only way for God to be great in us begins with us. To have someone inside of our hearts means we believe and love this person. The question is, do we love God? If we love him, that means we believe in him. If we believe in God, that means we will live for Him. Living for someone means commitment, trust, and being steadfast each day throughout life. This means if we are all in for God, we will abide in His Word daily and do what it says faithfully. The challenge is right in front of us. God’s Word is one of the ways to overcome “he that is in the world.” Neglect His word and we will find ourselves having trouble, not receive what we need, relationship with the creator will be distant. Humanistic wisdom will not be able to outwit the prince of this world, the powers of darkness, the spiritual wickedness in high places. This carnal territory is of the world and not of God.
If God is great in us means that believers have the Holy Spirit within them. The follower will be able to overcome the evil in the world, including sin, Satan, temptations, afflictions, and false teachers.
The Holy Spirit enables us to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and abstinence. All these attributes that God has provided for us to be greater than we can ever expect.
Why are believers do not experience the ” greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world” could be a couple of reasons.
First, if God is not the priority each day then we will have trouble. God is a spirit and we must honor Him in our spirit and in truth which is His Word. If something else is first place instead of God, especially if it is carnal, which is of the world, that means that thing is great than God in our lives which is different from that Bible verse above.
Second, if God is greater, we will live in a godly way and not have the character or behave like the world. This includes a bad attitude, living properly among people like family, neighbors, business, and social associates. Our body is the temple of God and we must demonstrate this at all times. If not, then the greater is not being manifested as the Bible verses say.
Finally, love is key to being great. God is love and this is His character. If we begin with this daily and let this be our approach to all that we do, we will see an instant change in our lives.
The greater is he will stand out and above all situations. Love covers a multitude of sins. This means it cleanses us from ours and enables us to save another in the process.

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