In the secret places doth  he murder the innocent

In Psalms, chapter ten, verses eight through ten, the verses are for those who traffic in drugs, alcohol, and abortion, where the result is physical, emotional, and spiritual ruin for many. Out of greed, as in verse three, such people draw the poor, the young, and the thoughtless with their nets. Through testimony and advertisement, they craftily emphasize the pleasure of their products while hiding the tragic suffering of the results that come from their business. These wicked individuals are arrogantly oblivious to their moral accountability before God, as in verses three, four, eleven, and thirteen. Their end will be disastrous, as in Psalms seventy-three. No believer should participate in promoting what will harm another human, but rather in love, compassion, and concern, seek to help all others avoid such temptation.
In the Old Testament, starting from Genesis, we see examples of how easy it is to fall into the hands of evil who intend to harm instead of good through deception. The situation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was no secret. However, they did not expect, especially Eve, that her desire as she went close to the tree of good and evil, a serpent would be awaiting her to consider taking a sample of the fruit from the forbidden tree. Eve did not expect the snake to say the things he said to persuade her to compromise and lure her away into sin by following the desire through her eyes.
Today, life can change drastically and easily for someone by a seller or offerer of something to anyone. All it takes is a reaction, a welcoming word to come right in for the motivator to do what they do best, which is to change the course of direction of life for an innocent individual for the worst instead of the best, who did not see it coming.

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