If ye seek Him

In Second Chronicles, chapter fifteen, verse two, seeking the Lord conscientiously has outstanding results. Those who seek the Lord will experience the peace and rest of God. The meaning is not merely the absence of conflict but the experience of forgiveness and a clear conscience, as in Acts twenty-four, verse sixteen, and First Timothy three, verse nine. The overall satisfaction of spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being comes from a growing, life-giving relationship with God, as in Acts ten, verse thirty-six, Romans five, verse one, and Galatians five, verse twenty-two, respectively.
Those who seek the Lord will receive mercy, grace, and help when in need. They will experience the presence of God, as in verses one through four of this chapter. God promises that those who earnestly seek Him will find Him. Under the new covenant, the presence of God through the Holy Spirit brings strength and comfort to believers, leading them into truth, righteousness, and power. Those who seek the Lord will be able to stand firm against their enemies.
The people, of their own will, covenanted to seek the Lord, each for himself, with earnestness. What is religion but seeking God, inquiring after him, and applying to him upon all occasions? We make nothing of our faith if we do not make heart-work of it; God will have all the heart or none. Our devotedness to God, our Saviour, should be shown in the most solemn and public manner. What is complete in hypocrisy is mere drudgery.
The prophet Azariah, the son of Oded, is mentioned only here and given a word through the Spirit of God for Asa. The prophet’s speech: The Lord is with you, while you be with him. However, your recent signal success is remarkable proof that God’s blessing is upon you; your victory has been the reward of your faith and piety. If you steadfastly adhere to the cause of God, you may expect a continuance of His favor, but if you abandon it, you will soon reap the bitter fruits of apostasy. The message is to all believers and those who desire to live according to the Word of God.

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