I do them, that ye may live

In Deuteronomy, chapter four, verse one, life, blessing, and the possession of Canaan were dependent on Israel’s relationship with God. The promises are linked, for every succeeding generation, with holding fast to the Lord, faithful to Him, teaching our children the ways of the Lord, and seeking Him with all our heart and soul, in true faith and love.
For the Israelites, the laws of God, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, which they urge to attend to and obey in consideration of the great and good things the Lord had done for them since they came from Horeb. God provided for them, feeding them in the wilderness, preserving them from every hurtful matter, and delivering their enemies into their hands. Nothing is a greater incentive to obedience than the kindness and goodness of God.
The law was by Moses, but the Gospel of grace and truth was by Jesus Christ. The instruction by God’s servant, as well as it was to be heard by them, to yield obedience to it. For not bare hearing, but doing the law, is the principal thing of any avail which was to be done, that they might live. Not a spiritual and eternal life, which are not by the works of the law, but are had only from Christ, through his grace and righteousness. The land of Canaan, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had promised to give to their future generations. They were to hold by their obedience to his laws.
Today, some believers desire things from God but do not acknowledge Him much or give testimony to others about what God has done in their lives. Quietly go about their ways, and no one knows if they serve Him. However, those believers expect God to do things for them while they say nothing about Him to others. Let us acknowledge Him before others, and the Lord will provide everything we need when we need it.

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