I cry unto thee and thou dost not hear me

In Job, chapter thirty, verse twenty, all God’s people have this experience at some point in their walk with God, a time in which they cry out to God for help, and He does not seem to answer. Even the Lord Jesus experienced this in Matthew twenty-seven, verse forty-six. Through this experience, faith will be under testing. At such times, we must nevertheless persevere in faith, as in the example in Matthew fifteen, verses twenty-one through twenty-eight, Luke eighteen, one to seven, and First Peter one, verse seven.
We know from God’s dealing with Job and with faithful believers throughout our history that no true follower of the Lord is ever really abandoned by Him, as in Hebrews thirteen, verse five, and no earnest prayers ever go unheard, as in Hebrews ten, verses thirty-two through thirty-nine.
At the beginning of Hebrews eleven, verse six states, “But without faith it isĀ impossibleĀ to please him.” Therefore, as believers, we should expect frequently that our faith will undergo a test unexpectedly. This verse tells us that nothing else will delight our God unless we have the belief in all that we do. However, it is not faith in ourselves but in Him and through Him that all will come to pass. Still, it is the Lord’s will for the believer’s sake because He is the one who knows and goes before us if we are following and serving God by His Word in obedience to what it says.
That explains why many believers do not experience enough miracles or receive many blessings, hearing and accepting more about prosperity through leaders than hearing the Word of God because their faith is elsewhere other than the Mighty God Himself. Everything else will be impossible and done another way unless we have faith in Him to overcome obstacles and situations that may seem unbearable. Jesus Christ on the cross cried out to God about being forsaken, but in the end, was He? He ascended to the Father and accomplished His mission to save the human race. The Son of God was victorious. The same goes for believers in God: faith in Him all shall be victorious.

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