I contended with them

In Nehemiah, chapter thirteen, verse twenty-five, Nehemiah contended with these people in chapter thirteen, verses eleven and seventeen. He cursed them, smote off their men, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God: Ye shall not give your daughters: On the recurrence of such marriages after the separations effected by Ezra of those existing at his arrival at Jerusalem. Nehemiah did not insist on the immediate dissolution of these marriages but caused the men to swear that they would abstain from such connections, setting before them, as in Nehemiah thirteen, verse twenty-six. How grievous a sin they were committing. “Did not Solomon, king of Israel, sin on account of these?” On account of strange wives? And among many nations, there was no king like him, and he was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel, and even he did foreign women cause to sin  “And of you is it hard to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God, and to marry strange wives?” 
There are times when leaders, if they are genuine people of God, must have a holy anger toward unrighteousness and take drastic steps to correct an evil situation. Gentleness in the face of open and blatant disregard of God’s Word within the church is, in reality, a weakness. Nehemiah’s correction shows a zeal for God similar to Christ’s when He used a whip to drive the money changers from the temple in Jerusalem.
If either parent is ungodly, a corrupt nature will incline the children to take after that one, which is a strong reason why Christians should not be unequally yoked. On the other hand, in terms of education for the children, great care should be taken about the government of their tongues so that they learn not the language of Ashdod, no impious or impure talk, no corrupt communication. Nehemiah showed the evil of these marriages. Some, more obstinate than the rest, he smote, that is, ordered them beaten by the officers according to the law.
Here are Nehemiah’s prayers on this occasion. Remember them, O my God. Lord, convince and convert them; put them in mind of what they should be and do. The best services to the public have been forgotten by those who did. Therefore, Nehemiah refers himself to God to make restitution to him. 

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