I bare you

In Exodus chapter nineteen, verse four, God called Moses out of the mountain to speak to him. He told Moses to inform the house of Jacob and the children of Israel, to recognize what He did to the Egyptians, how the protection was present until now, and to bring them to Himself. For example, the mother eagle catches her young on her wings to keep them from crashing while learning to fly. God was caring for Israel and bringing them not just to Sinai but to Himself. The expression demonstrates God’s love for Israel and serves for their obedience and covenant obligation to him.
The significance of God calling out to Moses is for the children of Israel to realize where they are now concerning the state of bondage they were experiencing in Egypt. The Israelites did not understand the conditions they encountered with Pharaoh and their taskmasters. They were servants to them, doing hard labor to the point they could not maintain their health. God demonstrated His power to Pharoah and the Egyptians while simultaneously protecting the Israelites during the ten-plague experience. After rescuing them from Egypt, God miraculously delivered them again from Pharoah, and the Egyptians came on chariots by allowing them to cross the Red Sea.
God did bare the children of Israel. After their freedom, the Israelites complained several times about their basic needs during their journey. The murmurings became so severe that God himself told Moses. Despite the criticism, God did provide them with water to drink, food to eat, and protection throughout their journey.
Today, God does bare His children on eagle’s wings throughout their life. The believers who faithfully depend upon Him will testify that God provides clothing on their backs, shelter over their heads, food on the table, and protection when going out ad coming in. God said, “How I bare you on eagle’s wings to bring you unto myself.”

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