Holy ground

In Exodus chapter three, verse five, God’s initial revelation to Moses was of His holiness. Holiness means separation from sin and all evil and commitment to righteousness. Moses had to remember that the God he served was holy: so holy that a human to look at Him would bring forth death. God’s initial revelation to Abraham was of His great power; here to Moses, it was His holiness.
Today, what keeps people from drawing close to God? Holiness. There are very few people of God that pursue living a holy life before God. Why? All humans were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. The reality is all humans must overcome the past and live according to God’s Word, which is to forsake sin, detest evil, and hold on to that which is good.
Holiness demands being apart from sin. A believer must be able to live every day without intentionally attempting to sin. Ask God daily for forgiveness for our sins even if we knowingly did not commit them. There are the immoral actions that we unintentionally violate, which God knows we did not plan. Being apart from sin is individuals not chasing it but iniquity attempting to capture and trap people.
Holiness is being the opposite of evil. In Romans chapter twelve, verse nine mentions abhor the bad and cleave to the good. To help others and not hurt them. Believers must abstain from the powers of darkness and live in the light. Anything associated with sin can lure us back into that way of life if we allow it. The devil would like to get one foot inside the door and then get the entire entourage into corrupting our life.
The challenge for many believers today is to live in righteousness. People in society can keep the commandments and not commit any evil crimes, but living right is the test. Righteousness is holiness which leads to godliness. All believers know that with God, all things are possible.
Holy ground is the connection of God’s presence in the midst, and we as believers reverence Him. Having God’s presence in our lives will make a difference. Our relationship will be much better, closer, and a lot stronger. God’s presence is similar to when we were kids, the bully would become a hindrance, and big brother would come and stand in the gap to protect us.

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