Him that loveth violence his soul hateth

In Psalms, chapter eleven, verse five, because the Lord “loveth righteousness,” as in verse seven, He hates those who participate in violence and enjoy being entertained by it. Therefore, believers must exercise caution concerning the entertainment media and examine themselves to determine whether they take pleasure in and enjoy the portrayal of violence and bloodshed. One of the surest proofs of the depravity of the human heart is the fact that people take pleasure in violence, blood, and death.
We see it in the Roman and Greek arenas, where spectators cheered as people as people fought and killed each other. We see it in the onlookers who watched Jesus die a horrible death, as in Luke thirty-five through thirty-seven. We see it in the history of the persecution of believers. We see it in modern society as well, as millions of adults and children find pleasure and entertainment in television and other media that depict human suffering, blood, violence, and death.
Jesus died to change this attitude and to bring love and care. He wants us to see the impact of sin on human life with eyes of compassion and to hear the groaning of suffering humanity. The responsibility as parents is to guard themselves and their families against all influences that would desensitize them to human pain and tragedy. The reality is many take pleasure in violence, which is a sin, being fond of immoral actions of others as dramatized in books, cinema, videos, and television entertainment—the vicarious enjoyment of lust and evil in entertainment in this theme verse.
Today, we know what great harm is in production by the portrayal of immorality that dominates the entertainment media. Yet many approve of it and derive pleasure from it. Being entertained by watching other people engage in ungodly actions, especially violence, even while you self-abstain brings you under the same judgment as those engaging in such evil practices.
Those who especially profess faith in Christ and use these moral actions of others for entertainment and enjoyment are directly contributing to public opinion favorable to immorality, and the corruption and eternal damnation of an indefinite number of other people will be exposed and judged in the day of judgment.

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