Help Lord

In Psalms, chapter twelve, verses one through eight, describes a time when the ungodly activity of the wicked is keenly felt by those committed to God and His righteousness. Since God’s people have experienced these conditions, the last days of this age will be especially prevalent, as in First Timothy four, verse one. The faithful should know that when they are around the evils of society and are grieved and oppressed by the wicked and their immorality, they will receive protection from the power of God, as in verse five. God will “keep them” and preserve them from the evil generation.

The theme verses are under the Good Thoughts for Bad Times section: the faithful believers will comfort themselves with prayers and meditation to God, while the faithless and unbelievers will not. The unfaithful and ungodly will hear a word from the Creator through the godly but fail to obey because their heart does not believe. The actions speak louder than simply listening.

The resolution for having good thoughts during times of difficulty begins with the mindset. God gives us the word through His holy book, but many nowadays fail to read and only tend to read their situation. How do you expect to resolve or overcome the circumstance? The condition of the heart is where the answer lies. God sees the heart, while the enemy uses the physical and earthly things to offset the soul. The eyes in what they see, the ears in what they hear, and the mouth in what comes out play a role in whether we will win or lose this battle of difficulty.

In Hebrews eleven, verse six, “But without faith it isĀ impossibleĀ to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” The difference is our body language, attitude, and what we let in and what comes out will determine the outcome. If we allow and agree with the negative, it will take longer. Remember the Israelites in the wilderness with Moses: due to their complaining and behavior, it took a long time before reaching their destiny, with only a few experiencing it.

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