He will prosper us

In Nehemiah, chapter two, verse twenty, all matters to His Kingdom starts with God for it to be successful. Nehemiah begins rebuilding the wall for the city because he knew it was God’s will. Therefore, Nehemiah was fully confident that God would give him success in doing so. In all God’s work, our Lord desires His people to be co-labourers with Him, as in Philippians two, verses twelve through thirteen. Chapter four adds three factors of success that involve effort on our part.
“The people had the mind to work, as in Nehemiah four, verse six; the people were prayerful and watchful as they did the work, as in chapter four, verse nine. The people demonstrated courage, determination, and faith when confronting opposition from the enemy, as in Nehemiah four, verse fourteen. When the Jerusalem wall was complete in fifty-two days, even the enemies of the people of God had to acknowledge that this work was accomplished with the help of God, as in chapter six, verses fifteen through sixteen. God always does His part when His people do their part in persevering faith.
Today, followers of Jesus Christ will face opposition when they have good intentions of doing the will of God. Similar to Nehemiah in the Old Testament in verse nineteen of chapter two, which is before the theme verse. “But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? Will ye rebel against the king?” There will be people who oppose God and do not have good motives for others to spectate and monitor what plans they have going on with them. The elders, chief priests, and scribes who did such activity with Jesus Christ in the four Gospels of the New Testament will attempt to do the same activity against the believers of Jesus Christ today.

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