He sent prophets but they would not hear

In Second Chronicles, chapter twenty-four, verse nineteen, under the old covenant, God sent prophets to admonish His people to be faithful to their God and live according to the conditions of the covenant. Under the new covenant, prophets and their messages remain essential to the church. To ignore and reject God’s true prophets will result in spiritual death for the church.
God’s goodness was astonishing in sending messengers to reclaim such a base people whose wickedness was no less admirable. They listened to the great men among them rather than whom they knew to be true prophets of Jehovah. Adam and Eve experience deception by accepting the advice from a snake in the Garden of Eden instead of holding on to the word given by God. The result turns into loss rather than gain. Adam and Eve did not remain the same and lived a life different from what could have been.
Today, some people experience deception and misinformed by guardians or leaders that do not love or care about others. Christians have familiarity with situations in meetings where they listen to unknowingly false prophets and expect the leader to be honest through their messages or sermons only to see the result of their life being far from God and not knowing Him in spirit and in truth and not being close to at all. Proverbs twelve, verse five, “The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.” Believers will know te difference through the messages or word given by the pastor, minister, evangelist, or guest speaker within a sanctuary or church if they are of God because of their close relationship with Him. How? In First John four, verse one, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
For believers to detect any information from any leader or guardian, they must have a close relationship with God. How? This development is by praying, reading and studying the Word of God: the Holy Bible. Praise His name and give glory to the Lord. Thank Him for all He has done, from the little things, to the big ones. Like one person who gets to know another, they spend time with and appreciate them. Similar with God. He will help us to detect the false teachers from the real ones.

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