He saved them out of their distresses

In Psalms, chapter one hundred and seven, verse thirteen, note that even when we have only ourselves to blame for our troubles, God desires to deliver us, as in verses one through thirteen and seventeen to twenty-two. Therefore, even if we are experiencing a load of distress, knowing that God may be judging us, we can still hope in His mercy and cry out in faith for His forgiveness and help.

The theme verse under The Lord’s Goodness to Men section describes only God can save them from their distress, similar to the theme title. Distress can be pain, agony, hardship, or adversity. The previous blog, “They Cried unto the Lord,” highlights verses six, thirteen, nineteen, and twenty-eight concerning the repetition of this verse. However, the first part for all four is the same, “Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble.” Yet, in the second part of all these verses of six, thirteen, nineteen, and twenty-eight, they are all different. In verse six, “He delivered them out of their distresses.”

The remaining verses, beginning with verse thirteen, are similar to the theme title, “He saved them out of their distresses.” Then, in verse nineteen, “He saveth them out of their distresses.” The last verse, in twenty-eight, “He bringeth them out of their distresses.” The difference is the words delivered, saved, saveth, and bringeth from these four verses, but they mean the same thing with God coming to rescue His people. In Exodus eighteen, verse fourteen, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Everyone has to start somewhere from some place in this life. Each environment is different, and we all make or find trouble in the areas we live in. However, if we depend, believe, trust, and hope in Him, He will deliver, save, or bring us out.

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