He restoreth my soul

In Psalms, chapter twenty-three, verse three, when I become discouraged, the Good Shepherd revives and re-energizes my soul through His power and grace, as in Proverbs twenty-five, verse thirteen. “He leadeth me” by the Spirit of God, as in Romans eight, verse fourteen, in His chosen paths, ones that conform to His way of holiness, as in Romans eight, verses five through fourteen. My response is obedience: I follow the Shepherd and hear His voice, as in John ten, verses three to four; I will not follow “the voice of strangers,” as in John ten, verse five.

The theme is the third verse of this chapter under The Shepherd Psalm section, which begins with “When I become discouraged.” The opening word indicates that, at some point, it will happen no matter what position we are in. However, how should a believer respond? Psalms forty-two verse eleven has the answer, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.”

The response to verse eleven is almost identical to another verse of the same chapter of Psalms forty-two: Verse five states, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.” The difference between the two verses is verse five is before eleven and states that God supports us with His presence through His Word. All believers have to do is read, follow, and obey. The other verse in eleven is for those who are doers in obedience and carry out what is said. Therefore, believers must praise God when discouragement attempts to set in because it is an ungodly spirit.

Remember, the opening sentence says, “When I become,” meaning that it does not always come, which proves it is something that tries to go around, that is a spirit from the evil one. Therefore, to openly praise God with our lips open and our voices heard will filter those negative things that will come to corrupt the mind that would try to bring us down. However, praising God and quoting His Word will lift us from going into that negative state. Another thing is if we have people who say negative words around us, we have to get away from it or change the atmosphere by listening to godly music or a positive message to feed our souls. Believers should not end the day with negativity but with the Word of God from Him, who restores our souls.

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