He found nothing

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There is an old saying, “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.” What does it mean? There is a famous song that goes with that phrase. The lyrics roughly explain a person must have something to be with them. Sensibly speaking, every human being should have something to bring to a relationship. However, this situation is about finding a fault in somebody innocent. Verse thirty of chapter fourteen from the Gospel book of John, Jesus states to His companions, “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” Why would Jesus, the Son of God, make such a statement? Due to Judas’s treason, Jesus was about to be intensely examined by chief priests and Pharisees for wrongdoing. Jesus prepared Himself before they came to Him. They could not initially use His speech against Him if He did not say anything.
The prince of this world, the devil, will use his demons or fallen angels to examine believers and potential followers of God through their conversation, desires, the carnal things they admire or love, and overall attitude. If there is any iniquity in these areas, he will accuse them to God about it. The enemy is an accuser of the brethren described in the book of Revelation. The evil one will go before God day or night if he finds wrongdoing or some form of sin. Therefore if we have a good attitude, not worldly attached, but our conversation is ungodly, the enemy will go to God and address that about us. The devil could say, “Look, how can you give him what he is praying for if the conversation is dirty.” How could God or us respond to that if it is true? God honors His Word above His name.
Jesus went through temptation, suffering, persecution, mockery, and did not sin. The devil could not find anything to accuse against the Son of God. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing is the phrase where the devil could do nothing here against Jesus because he works with sin. The prince of this world is the spirit that works in people of rebellion, disobedience, the unclean, and the immoral. The Son of God submits to the Father’s will, resists the temptations by the enemy, fulfills His tasks, and saves humanity to become victorious.
The challenge for believers, new converts, and others contemplating is to resist the things the enemy would use to lure us into sin. The devil sees from us what we love, what we struggle with, our desires, goals, and everything else. God always sees us, and the devil sees us too. Therefore, the enemy sees when we fail and knows what angers us. For instance, if a man struggles with the weakness of watching beautiful women, which would lead him to sin, the devil will make sure to send an arsenal of women in his view in many ways possible. Especially if this man is living for God and not sinning. That is why many people repeat the same sin over and over. Everything else is fine except for one particular area. Similar to Adam and Eve, one tree. The devil will make sure the repeat offenders get a good dose of the weak areas they struggle with to continue to hold them back from serving God and gaining His blessing.
How can we defeat the enemy in a particular area? First, if you are a repeat offender, you must ask God for forgiveness. He knows our hearts, our thoughts, and our intentions. God knows if we are serious or not, and if there is something inside of us that consumes our heart, He knows that too. Believers must be aware the enemy listens to what we say, sees what we do, and hear, and watches our attitude. We are an open book to Him. However, we must live clean before God begins by asking Him to help us in the areas where we are weak. Then use wisdom and change things up a bit. If there are certain times that this ongoing problem occurs, rearrange the schedule to avoid the encounter. A problem with a person that causes the trouble? Ask God to help you with that person fill that time with something else. If you want to be delivered, God will make the way of escape.
The purpose for all human beings is when the prince of the world comes to test you, there should be nothing for him to work against you to sin. The devil will have nothing to see, nothing to use to accuse, nothing to say, to God. However, this does not mean the enemy will quit. He will look for another opportunity. Meditating on God’s Word and praying will give no room for him. 

Jesus prayed to the Father from the  heart at times. Hannah moved her lips without making her voice be heard in prayer to God. Texting is good because if you plan to do something that is good and you notice at times there is some kind of opposition, the silent voice would create less contention.

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