He did evil instead of seeking the Lord

In Second Chronicles, chapter twelve, verse fourteen, although Rehoboam humbled himself, and seemed repentant for a season and professed the true religion and worship to God. Yet he quickly relapsed into his former sins because of insincerity, nor serious in his actions, and his heart was not right with God. Rehoboam did not serve the Lord because he did not seek the Lord. He did not pray to the Lord, as Solomon did, for wisdom and grace. Neither did not consult from the word of God and did not seek to that as his oracle.
So, what little goodness he had passed away like the morning cloud, and he did evil because he had no determination for that which was good. Those who are calmly drawn aside to evil by Satan, who are wavering and inconstant in that which is good, are persuaded not to make religion their business. There is a direct connection between diligently seeking God and His strength and resisting evil. In order to persevere in the faith, we must firmly resolve to seek God’s face in earnest prayer. By doing so, we will be able to resist sin, despise the world, obey God’s Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit until the day we go to be with God.
On the other hand, without this determined purpose in our hearts, we will find ourselves conforming to the ungodly ways of our culture, growing lukewarm in our relationship with God and living in danger of falling by the wayside. Why? Rehoboam was doing wrong and realized severe consequences coming from God, and then he humbled himself. However, although he received pardon, what happens next? Where will his focus be on now? What is Rehoboam’s heart on now?
The nature of this situation with Rehoboam’s activity is similar to some evil workers in society. If a person is use to doing wrong and is mischevious, what will he do after receiving warning from authorities? Will the person obey and not attempt to behave like that anymore? An evil worker will not abruptly quit what they have been doing most of their time. Rehabilitaion and help from others who care and understand the conduct will need to intervene and assist. The individual will need to cooperate and accept the help to overcome such behavior and activity they have beem doing in the past.

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