In Psalms, chapter ninety-eight, verse nine, this verse will find its ultimate fulfillment in the Lord’s return to judge the world, as in Revelation chapters nineteen through twenty-two, eliminate sin and sorrow, and renew the heavens and participate in the final redemption when Christ rules the earth in righteousness and justice, as in Isaiah fifty-five, verses twelve through thirteen, and Romans eight, verses nineteen to twenty-two, respectively.
The beginning of the second coming of Christ to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, as in Revelation nineteen, verse sixteen. He comes from heaven as the Warrior-Messiah, as in Second Thessalonians one, verses seven to eight, to establish truth and justice in Psalms ninety-six, verse thirteen, to judge the nations and to wage war against evil as in John five, verse thirty. This event is what the faithful have been waiting for throughout all generations.
When Christ returns to earth, He will punish the nations. “He treadeth the winepress” indicates the awfulness of His judgment, as in Isaiah sixty-four, verses one through two, Zechariah fourteen, verses three to four, Matthew twenty-four, verses twenty-nine through thirty, and Revelation fourteen, verses nineteen, accordingly.
The final goal and the Biblical expectation of the redeemed are a new, transformed, and redeemed world where Christ lives with His people and righteousness dwells in holy perfection, as in Psalms one hundred and two, verses twenty-five to twenty-six, Isaiah sixty-five, verse seventeen, chapter sixty-six, verse twenty-two, Romans eight verses nineteen through twenty-two, Hebrews one, verse twelve, chapter twelve, verse twenty-seven, and Second Peter three, verse thirteen, respectively.
Heaven and earth will be shaken, as in Haggai two, verse six, Hebrews twelve, verses twenty-six through twenty-eight, and vanish away like smoke, as in Isaiah fifty-one, verse six. God Himself declares who inherits the blessings at the end.