Have peace and walk in the imagination of the heart?

In Deuteronomy, chapter twenty-nine, verse nineteen, among God’s people would be those who walk in their sinful way and claim to have peace. Similarly, the New Testament speaks about those within the church who profess peace, salvation, and eternal life. Yet, do not endeavor to follow God’s will. God says that the peace walkers’ profession of salvation is not valid and compares them to a root that spreads defilement and death like poison throughout the congregation. God’s judgment will come upon those individuals.
Today, among God’s people, we have peace walkers who claim to live in peace but live ungodlily. These folks are “lukewarm” Christians. Revelation three sixteen says, “So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” God does not want lukewarm: similar to food, which does not taste good at that temperature. These people who claim they have peace are pretenders because most of them cause trouble: Peacemakers do not cause problems but help solve them.
These peace walkers that claim to promote peace should not be parading around the congregation and getting into senseless arguments and conflicts. Instead of praying for people, they start preying on them, creating havoc and making a fuss over something earthly and not godly. To detect these peace walkers who claim to have peace is by their approach. If they do not greet you with love and do not have God on their minds, that is enough to tell you they are up to no good. They should encourage, not discourage, to lift the person, not pull them down.
Peace walkers should see how you are doing and not what they plan to do and attempt to involve you in their ideas. They are supposed to come and offer any help or listen to what you have to say and not the other way around.

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