Grow in God’s Word

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First Peter chapter two, the second verse states, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”
Do we remember when we first began a relationship with someone? The excitement, the great happiness, the uncontrollable feeling inside, and we could not wait to get to know the person more and more. That is how a relationship begins with God. We begin to feel different from the inside after we decide to follow the Son of God. The joy and happiness, the peace that surpasses all understanding, start to resonate within us as we begin to know more about God as we read His Word. Then we connect with the body of Christ of true believers that are Bible-based to help strengthen our relationship with God.
However, in every friendship or marriage, there is opposition to staying connected. Couples will undergo rumors, gossip, accusations, allegations, lies that would surface either from family, friends, neighbors, or even strangers. Therefore, it is imperative to have the communication line healthy and functioning within a relationship. Similar to a believer and God. A new friendship or marriage requires a constant effort of conversing with each other to grow together. The desire to read the Word of God is the chief means of learning about Him. The other means is to have a conversation with God (mostly done through prayer), and He will respond to you either through His Word, possibly in your dreams, or even through people.
The challenge in a relationship is to overcome the pressure of society and backlash. Many couples fall apart and allow speculation to come between them and their partner because of their focus. Instead of concentrating their attention on their relationship, they get caught up in what is happening around their relationship. For a believer, the situation could also get intensive. However, this is when the people of God should draw close to His Word and prayer. Do you think that would be the case? Lately, you have believers drawing close to the things that are not related to God. Can you grow?
The issue today for believers is when the going gets tough, do we run to the Word of God? Or, better yet, do we run away from it? The simple reason is no desire. Their time and attention are into something else. When something goes wrong in an earthly relationship, what are some examples that could happen? Couples either get Counseling, one or both go back to an old flame or have an affair, or separate and eventually divorce.
A sure sign of spiritual health is a deep desire to feed on the living and abiding Word of God. Reading the Bible will eventually help a believer grow over time. It will not happen overnight. Be alert, lest your spiritual hunger and thirst for God and His Word diminish or be destroyed. The possibility can occur through wrong attitudes, time consumption with the cares, pleasures, or the riches of life.

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