Grace through faith

In Exodus chapter six, verse nine, The Israelites did not hear Moses, the servant of God. God did not bring Israel out of Egypt because they had great faith but because of His grace and faithfulness to His promises. In the beginning, their faith was weak, but through the ten plagues, by which God revealed Himself and his power and concern for Israel. He built up their confidence until they could trust Him in obedience. God delivered by grace through faith.
Why did the Israelites not hear God’s servant Moses at the beginning? The people of God in Egypt were groaning under the bondage they had to deal with for years. The Israelites were living under the authority of Pharoah and with the taskmasters in charge of giving them hard labor day after day. They could not care for their livestock due to work fulfillment for the King of Egypt. The ongoing affliction made it difficult for the Israelites to hear a servant of God speak about deliverance.
The ten plagues came to Egypt for the Egyptians and Israelites to experience that there is a God. The people of Israel’s faith grew stronger and stronger after each plague, while the Egyptians became more concerned with the circumstance surrounding them and the Israelites.
Today, believers will face situations in life that may seem unbearable. Work obligations to fulfill and the wages might not accommodate the personal needs. The bills and commitments to significant others and family are at the limit and need answers to these situations. God is aware of our necessities and expects us to reach out in faith and present them to him. His grace is sufficient to meet our needs. However, do we look to God? Or do we look for Him to do it? There is a big difference. Looking toward someone to put trust in and depend upon makes the difference for our needs to be met. Just looking for our needs to be filled and not caring for the person that meets the necessity is wrong. That is why many do not receive what they need. Trust is a must.

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