God of Creation

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God is an infinite, eternal, self-existent Being who is the First Cause of all present. There was never a moment that God did not exist. God existed eternally and infinitely before creating the universe. He is above, independent of, and before all in heaven and on earth.
God created man in His image who made Adam and Eve. Though finite, they could respond to and have fellowship with Him in a personal and loving way. God is a moral being who created everything good and therefore without sin. However, He made Adam and Eve in His image and likeness without sin. Sin entered human existence through temptation initiated by the serpent that represents the devil.
The activity of God is the one who created all things in the heavens and the earth. He called into existence matter and substance that had no prior presence. The universe did not have any form, void and covered with darkness. At that time,
the world did not consist of the structure that is present today. The earth was empty of all living creatures and void of all light. After this initial stage, God created light to dispel the darkness, gave form to the universe, and filled the earth with living things.
The Creator used in creating the earth is the power of His Word. God speaks things into existence to create the heavens and earth that previously had no reality. The entire trinity that is a part of God had a role in creation. The Son of God Himself is the powerful Word through whom God created all things. In the book of Hebrews, verse two of chapter one states, “Hath in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom he also made the worlds.” Likewise, the Holy Spirit had an active role in the work of creation. In the book of Genesis, the bottom of verse two of chapter one states, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
The purpose and goal of God in creation are specific. He created the heavens and earth to demonstrate His glory, wisdom, and power. God also created all things to receive back glory and honor due Him. God created the world for humankind to fulfill His purposes and goals for them.

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